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  • Name:Liqiang Huang
  • Phone:+86 18701704580
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  • Email:[email protected]&[email protected]
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Research Fields:

Lithium Metal Battery

Organic-Inorganic Composite Electrolyte

Organic Solar Cell



Current Courses:





High capacity and long cycling solid state lithium batteries (with SAIC)
High performance separators (with Covestro)
Lithium supplementation in LIBs (with Mercedes)




1.Liqiang Huang†, Gang Wang†,*, Weihua Zhou†, Boyi Fu, Xiaofang Cheng, Lifu Zhang, Zhibo Yuan, Sixing Xiong, Lin Zhang, Yuanpeng Xie, Andong Zhang, Youdi Zhang, Wei Ma, Weiwei Li, Yinhua Zhou, Elsa Reichmanis*, Yiwang Chen*, Vertical Stratification Engineering for Organic Bulk-heterojunction Devices. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(5), 4440-4452.
2.Liqiang Huang†, Lie Chen†, Pengru Huang†, Feiyan Wu, Licheng Tan, Shuqin Xiao, Wei Zhong, Lixian Sun and Yiwang Chen*, Triple Dipole Effect from Self-assembled Small-molecules for High Performance Organic Photovoltaics. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28(24), 4852-4860.
3.Liqiang Huang†, Xiaofang Cheng†, Jia Yang, Lifu Zhang, Weihua Zhou, Shuqin Xiao, Licheng Tan, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, High Performance Polymer Solar Cells Realized by Regulating the Surface Properties of PEDOT:PSS Interlayer from Ionic Liquids. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(40), 27018-27025.
4.Liqiang Huang†, Ping Jiang†, Youdi Zhang, Lifu Zhang, Zoukangning Yu, Qiannan He, Weihua Zhou, Licheng Tan, Yiwang Chen*, Unraveling the Morphology in Solution-Processed Pseudo-Bilayer Planar Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(29), 26213-26221.
5.Xiaofang Cheng†, Liqiang Huang†, Lifu Zhang, Qingyun Ai, Lie Chen*, Yiwang Chen*, Multi-Chlorine-Substituted Self-Assembled Molecules as Anode Interlayers: Tuning Surface Properties and Humidity Stability for Organic Photovoltaics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(10), 9204-9212. (co-first author)
6.Shuqin Xiao, Lie Chen, Licheng Tan, Liqiang Huang, Feiyan Wu, Yiwang Chen*, Sulfonate Poly(aryl ether sulfone)-modified PEDOT:PSS as Hole Transport Layer and Transparent Electrode for High Performance Polymer Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(4):1943-1952.
7.Rui Wu, Ying Wang, Lie Chen, Liqiang Huang, Yiwang Chen*, Control of the Oxidation Level of Graphene Oxide for High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(61), 49182.
8.Wei Zhong, Lie Chen, Shuqin Xiao, Liqiang Huang, Yiwang Chen*, A Versatile Buffer Layer for Polymer Solar Cells: Rendering Surface Potential by Regulating Dipole, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(21), 3164-3171.
9.Licheng Tan†, Huanyu Zhou†, Ting Ji†, Liqiang Huang, Yiwang Chen*, High Conductive PEDOT via Post-treatment by Halobenzoic for High Efficiency ITO-free and Transporting Layer-free Organic Solar Cells. Organic Electronics, 2016, 33, 316-323.
10.Xiufen Jin†, Yunping He, Chao Liu†, Feiyan Wu, Yazhou Xu, Liqiang Huang, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Highly-efficient Polymer Solar Cells Realized by Tailoring Conjugated Skeleton of Alcohol-soluble Conjugated Electrolytes, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016, 157, 644-651.
11.Huimin Liu, Liqiang Huang, Xiaofang Cheng, Aifeng Hu, Haitao Xu, Lie Chen*, Yiwang Chen*, n-Type Self-Doping of Fluorinate Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Polymer Solar Cells: Modulation of Dipole, Morphology and Conductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(1), 1145-1153.
12.Haitao Xu†, Xiang Fu†, Xiaofang Cheng, Liqiang Huang, Dan Zhou, Lie Chen*, Yiwang Chen*, Highly and Homogeneously Conductive Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Hole Transport Layer for Efficient Organic Solar Cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(28), 14689.
13.Xiaofang Cheng, Juan Long, Rui Wu, Liqiang Huang, Licheng Tan, Lie Chen*, Yiwang Chen*, Fluorinated Reduced Graphene Oxide as an Efficient Hole-Transport Layer for Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cells, ACS Omega, 2017, 2(5), 2010-2016.
14.Guodong Xu†, Liang Gao†, Haitao Xu, Liqiang Huang, Yuanpeng Xie, Xiaofang Cheng, Yongfang Li, Lie Chen*, Yiwang Chen*, n-Type Conjugated Electrolytes Cathode Interlayer with Thickness-insensitivity for Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(26), 13807-13816.
15.Yilin Wang†, Zhongyou Peng†, Shuqin Xiao, Jia Yang, Huanyu Zhou, Liqiang Huang, Lulu Sun, Yinhua Zhou, Licheng Tan*, Yiwang Chen*, Highly Stable Al-doped ZnO by Ligand-free Synthesis as General Thicknessinsensitive Interlayers for Organic Solar Cells, Science China Chemistry, 2018, 61(1), 127-134.
16.Xiangchuan Meng†, Xiaotian Hu†, Xia Yang, Jingping Yin, Qingxia Wang, Liqiang Huang, Zoukangning Yu, Ting Hu, Lichang Tan, Weihua Zhou, Yiwang Chen*, Roll-to-roll Printing of Meter-scale Composite Transparent Electrodes with Optimized Mechanical and Optical Properties for Photoelectronics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(10), 8917-8925.
17.Qingyun Ai†, Weihua Zhou†, Lin Zhang, Liqiang Huang, Jingping Yin, Zoukangning Yu, Siqi Liu, Wei Ma, Jianrong Zeng, Yiwang Chen*, Ternary Organic Solar Cells: Compatibility Controls for Morphology Evolution of Active Layers. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(41), 10801-10812.
18.Zoukangning Yu, Weihua Zhou*, Ming Zhang, Lifu Zhang, Jingping Yin, Qingyun Aia, Liqiang Huang, Feng Liu*, Jianrong Zeng, Yiwang Chen*, Specific Interaction between Fluorine Atoms and Thiol Groups Accounting for Higher Domain Purity and Photostability in Narrow Band BHJ Systems. Submitted.
19.Xiang Fu†, Haitao Xu†, Dan Zhou, Xiaofang Cheng, Liqiang Huang, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Ternary Thick Active Layer for Efficient Organic Solar Cells. Journal of Material Science, 2018, 53(11), 8398-8408.
20.Cong Liu, Zengqi Huang, Xiaotian Hu, Xiangchuan Meng, Liqiang Huang, Jian Xiong, Licheng Tan, Yiwang Chen*, Grain Boundaries Modification via F4TCNQ to Reduce Defects of Perovskite Solar Cells with Excellent Device Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(2), 1909-1916.
21.Ting Hu, Xiaolan Lv, Xiaofang Cheng, Liqiang Huang, Lifu Zhang, Weihua Zhou, Ping Jiang, Lin Hu, Yinhua Zhou, Lie Chen*, Self-Assembly Monolayers Manipulate the Power Conversion Processes in Organic Photovoltaics", Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 409, 66-75.



















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