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发布日期:2012-05-28  来源:   点击量:

主讲人: 裴艳中博士

讲座时间:2012.06.07 上午9:30

讲座地点:材料香港六合彩资料 441会议室

讲座题目:Electron and Phonon Engineering in thermoelectric s

裴艳中,2008年毕业于中科院上海硅酸盐研究所获博士学位,后赴美访学现就职于加州理工香港六合彩资料 。其主要的工作集中在热电能源转化材料与技术的研究,属材料科学及半导体物理领域。裴博士迄今已发表科技论文30余篇,其中以第一或通信作者在Nature,PNAS,Energy Environ Sci,Adv Mater、Adv Func Mater,Adv Energy Mater上共发表论文10余篇。相关工作被选为Energy Environ Sci 封面故事并收到来自Science和其他杂志的专题点评。申请或授权中美专利约10项,并作为国内首位世界第五位被授予本领域内为博士研究生设立的最高年度奖项——2007 Goldsmid Award。其科研成果已对本领域产生重大影响并得到广泛认可。

讲座主要内容:Thermoelectric generators which directly convert heat into electricity have long been relegated to use in space or other niche applications, but are now actively considered for a variety of waste heat recovery systems (such as the conversion of automobile exhaust heat into electricity) to combat the global energy dilemma. Although the devices are supremely reliable and compact, the thermoelectric materials themselves are relatively inefficient requiring advancing the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT above 1.5 for widespread application.

In this talk, several strategies to achieve high zT, regarding band structure and phonon engineering, are proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The achieved extraordinary high peak zT of 1.8 and high average zT support the possibility of further development of existing materials. With any luck, the improvements resulting from these approaches will be large enough to promote thermoelectric devices from niche applications into the mainstream technology market.

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